Getting Started

The App comes with a default account set up, to help you get started. If you like, you can rename this account, or add additional accounts.


The Dashboard displays your widgets and is the central location of the app. The first page visible when opening the app is the dashboard.

Options Menu

The Options Menu contains the payments section, reminders, settings and information about the app.

To open the Options Menu,

  1. Go to the Dashboard
  2. Tap the ☰ button in the top left corner to open the Quick Add Menu

Quick Add Menu

The Quick Add Menu makes adding payments, widgets and accounts quick and easy. Accessible directly from the dashboard, you do not have to navigate through the Options page.

To open the Quick Add Menu,

  1. Go to the Dashboard
  2. Tap the + button in the top right corner to open the Quick Add Menu
  3. From the Quick Add Menu, you can add income, expenses or transfers, and also add accounts and widgets.


The payments section (Income, Expenses and Transfers) are where you manage all your payments. You can view all payments grouped by account and sorted by category.


The reminders section lists any active reminders. Tapping a reminder will take you into the Reminders app where you can manage any reminders. To use reminders, permission must be granted when the app requests it. To grant permission after declining, you will need to open the Settings app and grant permission.

  1. Settings
  2. Cash Flow Companion
  3. Enable Reminders and Calendar